Thursday, January 2, 2020

Children Are A Product Of The People And Things They Are

Children are a product of the people and things they are surrounded by. As they age, they will encounter trials and advancements that will either make or break them. Researchers have been working for over 100 years to develop facts and theories that explain and analyze childhood development. This paper will analyze various aspects of childhood development, such as associative play, attention ability, aggression, and conformity with the help of observations from interactions during preschool free play analyzed by the social cognition theory. Associative Play Associative play is a concept under the umbrella of Mildred Parten’s system of children’s social play, called â€Å"Stages† of Play. This stage of play occurs when peers play alongside†¦show more content†¦The peers would offer their toys to each other, bounce it on one of their shoulders, and even glide them along the blocks, but they never joined into one specific activity. These details of their interactions make this example even more fitting to represent the Associative stage of play because of their level of social interaction outside of the playing with the wooden blocks. As the time past, they were remained content with doing their own thing, keeping one another company, and dancing to the same beat. Attention Ability Major strides in child’s ability to pay attention occurs during their preschool years (Santrock, 2013, p. 267). Being able to focus on one thing can be extremely difficult for toddlers because of all the things in their world that are able to catch their attention, but luckily, as they grow and mature they are able to advance in their attention skills. An aspect of attention that is improved during these years, is the ability to focus on one task or object for an extended period of time, a concept known as, sustained attention (Santrock, 2013, p. 268). The concept of sustained attention was demonstrated by the same group of children in the previous examples. This particular group of peers was the only group in the class that remained in the same spot, playing with the same variation of toys, for well over 20 minutes. All of them, two boys and one girl, played with the same blocks, butShow MoreRelatedHow Advertisers Gear Their Advertisements Towards Children968 Words   |  4 PagesAdvertisers and Children This essay will be about how advertisers gear their advertisements towards children. It will explain whether or not it is appropriate to do so and what effects it can have on them. Advertisers have an effect on where kids eat, what they wear, what they buy, and where they go for vacations (Poulton). Advertisers will employ celebrities to endorse their products in order to make the product more popular among teens. 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